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Our Complete Build Price

Our Complete Build Price factors in the cost of building your chosen home design on a standard block of land with standard site costs, inclusive of all the Build Buddy Standard Allowances and with an owner-builder using the Build Buddy platform.

We have provided a quality starting point and a level of inclusion, fixtures and finishes that will satisfy most tastes but yet one that is fully customisable to suit your style and budget.

Make it Yours

Allowances Brochure - Icon 1.

Want more luxury? No problem, simply select higher-end features from the Build Buddy Selections platform.

Allowances Brochure - Icon 2.

On a tighter budget? That’s okay too, the Build Buddy Selections platform also offers more affordable options.

Want to find out more?

Explore and Download the Standard Allowances Brochure here

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  • Click here to learn more about what has not been allowed for in pricing

    Complete build price has been provided as an 'apples-for-apples' comparison against the cost of a volume home builder with the exact same design and allowances. Complete build price excludes the following, and additional costs may be required depending on the site:

    • Window furnishings e.g. curtains or blinds
    • Any item outside of the Build Buddy llowances brochure e.g. fireplace
    • Demolition or site preparation works for sites with more than 500mm fall
    • Tree removal
    • Measures required for contaminated soils, highly reactive soils and land burdened by water tables to sub-surface
    • Traffic control, work zone permits or other measures required for site access e.g. tight access or site on a main road
    • Tiger tails for overhead power lines
    • Sewer encasement (where sewer mains are running through land)
    • High voltage or other specialty service mains
    • Easements
    • Sites where the land slopes to the rear (requires special Hydraulic stormwater design and control measures)
    • Bushfire prone areas including reports and protection measures
    • Flood zones including reports and building methodology costs
    • Heritage preserved areas including reports and design changes required
    • Zero lot boundary
    • Sites subject to vibration control reports and measures
    • Re-drafting or major design changes from the original design
    • Additional council specific or additional certifier fees above what has been allowed for building approval applications
    • Retaining walls
    • Full or part landscaping
    • Driveways and council crossovers
    • Swimming pools
    • Fencing
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